Case Study: Winter-Ready Glycol Systems in Melrose, Massachusetts

Empowering Mission-Critical Buildings with Metro Group’s Turn-Key Glycol Solution. In Melrose, Massachusetts, a forward-thinking client approached Metro Group with a vital concern: ensuring freeze protection for their mission-critical building systems during winter’s coldest days. Winter Freeze Threats to Glycol Systems Our customer recognized the importance of maintaining peak performance even in extreme temperatures, sought a […]

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Proper Care for your Glycol Loops Subject to Freezing

Mechanical rooms all over NYC have water-using HVAC loops filled with glycol.  Many people think glycol loops are “set-it-and-forget-it”.  However, proper care for glycol loops is imperative to prevent disastrous situations. Understand the Volume of your Glycol Loop The first step in glycol loop maintenance is to truly understand the volume of the loop.  No […]

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Glycol Systems

Glycol systems present Facility Managers with a host of new challenges and opportunities.  Protecting systems from freezing in cold weather climates is critical.  However, glycol can behave very differently and requires that water system conditions be carefully prepared in advance.  Without attention to detail, these systems can produce unwanted headaches.  Dealing with fouled glycol systems […]

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Propylene Glycol

Propylene glycol is being specified on a more frequent basis to support freeze protection and heat transfer in the HVAC universe. There are many brands and what seems like a plethora of options available. Therefore, there is much confusion in the market as some glycols may even be offered on a simple commodity basis. Smart […]

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