Metro Group’s Boiler Mechanical Division is excited to offer any and all boiler maintenance services and repairs you may need. Our highly skilled union mechanics operate the largest fleet of boiler dedicated vehicles in the NYC area. Our professional Account Management team will walk you though any repairs needed and keep you informed about the progress of your project. Below is a list of the major services and repairs we offer, but if you are looking for something not listed below rest assured if it’s in your boiler room we can help.
Comprehensive Waterside Boilouts
Comprehensive boilouts should be completed annually to remove scale, sludge and mineral build up on the waterside of your boiler. As shown in the chart below, even the smallest amount of scale can have significant impacts on your fuel costs. Our comprehensive boilout is a two day process. On day 1 a Technician will apply a specially formulated boilout compound directly to the boiler. the boiler will operate for 24-48 hours, allowing the boilout compound to circulate. On day 2, a boiler mechanic will shut the boiler down, drain and physically flush the boiler removing any sludge and scale. the boiler will then be left in normal operation, or can be layed-up for the season.