Green Roof Installation & Service
Turnkey Green Roof Installations & Services from your Source for Trusted Building Solutions

Green Roofs
What is a Green Roof?
A green roof is a layer of vegetation installed on top of a flat or slightly sloped roof. Green roofs significantly enhance HVAC efficiency by reducing the roof’s ambient temperature and providing an additional layer of insulation.
Why Green Roofs?
We recommend green roofs as an important component of your building’s energy efficiency strategy. Firstly, since green roofs allow your HVAC equipment to work more efficiently, they can also serve as a strategic tool to improve your building’s energy benchmarking score (Local Laws 84 & 33). Secondly, since green roofs reduce a building’s carbon footprint, they can also help building owners reduce or eliminate emission fines beginning as early as 2024 (Local Law 97). Lastly, New York City requires the installation of solar panels or a green roof if a permit is pulled for roof work (Local Laws 92 & 94).
In addition to becoming policy, green roofs have substantial benefits to building owners, operators, and tenants.
- Reduces Utility Expense
- Improves Building’s Energy & Water Performance (LL84/L33)
- Reduces a Building’s Carbon Footprint (LL97)
- Extends Life of the Roof
- Increases Property Value and Reducing Tenant Turnover
- Earns Points towards LEED Certification
- Reduces Storm water Runoff
- Lowers Demand for Non-Potable Water
- Improves Solar Panel Efficiency
How Metro Group Can Help?
Metro Group provides a turnkey solution for green roof installation. Our team will:
- Consult with you and designated stakeholders to assess your current green roof needs, advise on options, and customize a solution
- Submit and manage applications to secure available funding
- Conduct a site survey to determine roof’s load bearing
- Design green roof
- Submit necessary permits
- Install green roof
- Provide on-going necessary maintenance and care
Explore extensive benefits and incentives of Green Roofs, and watch Metro Group’s Green Roof video showcasing their Long Island City location on our blog.