What are the cooling tower cleaning laws in NYC?
In NYC, Local Law 77 requires two cooling tower cleanings to be completed each year by November 1st. The 2nd tower cleaning can be completed at any time during the year, so there is no need to delay scheduling the cleaning until you are ready to shut down. Delaying scheduling of the 2nd tower cleaning can only lead to potential fines. If it gets too cold workers will not be able to clean the tower, leaving your tower out of compliance, and the building open to fines.
Can I wait till October to schedule my cooling tower cleaning?
As the season gets later, the tower cleaning schedule fills up very quickly. If you don’t get your cleaning scheduled now you could miss the November 1st deadline, again leaving the building open to potential fines. Also, the longer you wait to schedule the cleaning, the more difficult it will be to obtain your end-of-year certification on time. The bottom line – it’s best to get your 2nd tower cleaning scheduled sooner, rather than later.
Should I keep my cooling tower running until cleaning has been done?
If you plan on shutting down your tower early, and it has not been cleaned yet, you should keep it running until the cleaning has been completed. Proper shut-down/start-up procedures must be followed, and it is much more efficient to shut-down once at the end of the season.
Call the Cooling Tower Compliance Experts
Metro Group has been the trusted source for building solutions since 1925. Our expert team specializes in cooling tower compliance. Contact us for a free quote on your LL97 cooling tower cleaning today.
For more information on cooling tower compliance: COOLING TOWER COMPLIANCE OVERVIEW