1 – Cooling Tower Cleaning
First and foremost, for a seasonal tower, ensure you have completed both Cooling Tower Cleanings/Disinfections required by the Department of Health’s (DOH) calendar year (November 1stthrough October 31st). One should have been completed at start-up, and the 2nd can be completed anytime before shutdown. You do NOT need to wait until shutdown to complete the 2nd cleaning.
2 – Routine Maintenance
Ensure Routine Maintenance records have been completed twice during the current DOH calendar year. Routine Maintenance must follow your MPP, which should be based on your towers manufacturer recommendations and should include items like:
Adequate System Start- up Adequate System Shut-down
Inspect Integrity of Tower Structure Inspect Fill Material& Drift Eliminators
Inspect Distribution & Operating Level Inspect Fan, Fan Belts & Drives
Clean Spray Heads/Distribution Nozzles Inspect Electrical Wiring & Components
Remove/Clean Tower & Circ. Pump Strainers Grease/Lube Bearings as required
Inspect Tower for Operational Abnormalities
3 – Annual Certification
All towers MUST file an Annual Certification with the Department of Buildings (DOB) each year by November 1st. Failure to do so will automatically result in a $2,500 fine from the DOB. This certification must be uploaded to the DOB/DOH CT portal.
4 – Cooling Tower Compliance Binder
The end of the cooling season is also a good time to review your Cooling Tower Compliance Binder. Building staff should ensure that each of the following required sections are populated correctly:
- MPP – is your current year MPP in your binder?
- Cooling Tower Cleanings – do you have 2 certificates of cleaning/disinfection in your binder?
- Legionella Samples – do you have a sample result from start-up, and every 90 days thereafter?
- Dip Slide Results – do you have bacteria dip slide results from each week during the season?
- C&B Records – do you have a weekly summary of all chemicals added to your tower?
- Water Quality Testing – do you have records of pH, Temperature, Conductivity and Biocide residual numbers three times each week and once a week visual inspection?
- Routine Maintenance – do you have 2 certificates of the required routine maintenance on the tower?
- Annual Certification – is your Annual Certification in your binder?
5 – Winterize Feed Equipment
Finally, as water treatment experts, we know that at tower shutdown, many Mechanical companies neglect to properly winterize the chemical feed equipment associated with their tower. It is imperative to ensure all water is drained out of all tower associated piping to avoid freezing. Outdoor chemical feed stations should be moved in-door if possible. Pumps should be properly shut down and controllers should be unplugged for the winter. Feed packages with sensitive probes for pH, temperature and conductivity need to be remove and winterized as well. This is very important to avoid broken equipment the following spring.
The Metro Group handles all of the above for our customers. If you have questions about any of the services above, or need to add additional services to your current contact, please contact us at 718-729-7200 or sales@new.metrogroupinc.com