Chimney Services
Metro Group has joined forces with EMG Industrial Chimney and now offers comprehensive chimney installation and maintenance, catering to all building types, from residential to commercial and industrial. Our highly recommended and affordable services guarantee safe building operation. With simple chimney checks to prevent major issues, Metro Group handles cleanings, repairs, and regulatory filings as needed.
Chimney Liners
Whether you have a damaged chimney, or are completing a fuel grade conversion, chances are you will need a stainless steel chimney liner to meet building codes, especially in NYC. Metro Group can provide chimney lining services, oversee the project and ensure all proper permits and filing is completed to keep your building safe and compliant.
We line the interior of your existing masonry chimney cavity from top to bottom. We use 10 gauge 304 listed full seam welded stainless steel. We connect this lining at the base wall of the chimney to the existing breaching which is the pipe that runs from the boiler to the chimney so it can exhaust up the chimney and out the rooftop. Once connected, the chimney is gas tight.
We perform a DOB required smoke test and seal the wall back up. The chimney lining we install is a gas tight structure with because of the welding is a continuous run, some 60’ some 360’ depending upon the height of your building. We install a clean-out and a drain at the bottom so there is access for the future.
When our install is complete we install a custom fabricated chase around the top of the chimney to keep water from penetrating. The chimney pipe runs through a hole in this chase and has a storm collar attached around it to keep water from penetrating through this hole.