HVAC and Covid19
For almost 100 years, The Metro Group has prided itself on innovating important solutions wherever needed most by our valued clients. More recent examples include our innovation of what remains NYC’s only fully turn-key cooling tower compliance plan and in-house development of our customer portal app enabling mobile, push button access to order emergency service, receive alerts on building violations, and pay invoices remotely. At this time, we are continuing that legacy and deep sense of commitment by sourcing, developing and delivering the essential solutions needed for clients to help protect and maintain their enterprises all while keeping employees, customers and themselves safe.
– Rich Parker, CEO The Metro Group, Inc.
The CDC recommends certain Engineering Controls to reduce the risk of Covid19 transmission in your workplace in light of the Covid19 pandemic. Included among those engineering controls are suggested equipment and operating considerations for your HVAC system.
Filtration and UV technology as equipment considerations:
- Upgrade your air filtration to the highest possible rating (MERV 13) without significantly diminishing designed airflow and clean/disinfect evaporator coils.
- Install portable HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) Purifiers for air quality enhancement, especially in higher risk areas.
- Install Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation (UVGI) as a supplement to help inactivate the virus.
HVAC Operating considerations include:
- Increase the percentage of outdoor air used verses recycled air
- Increase total air flow to occupied spaces
- Disable controls that reduce or limit air supply
- Generate a clean-to-less-clean air movement through proper use of diffusers and dampers
The Metro Group can assist you in both your HVAC Equipment and Operating considerations to help create a safe and healthy workplace for the protection of workers and clients. For more information or to request a quote on any of these items fill out the enclosed form and we will get back to you promptly.